Sunday 24 February 2008


The hectic social whirl of ENKCA Community Hall never stops, and so it was that with Wednesday’s kilts scarcely returned to the wardrobe, we were back in the Hall on Friday for another night of fun and frolics.

Friday’s event was a Coffee Evening with an arduous Bingo session beforehand. You may have heard of Brain Training, Sudoku or Countdown, but these have nothing on Eassie Bingo. Scribbling your Sudoku numbers in the margins of a newspaper you can go at your own leisurely pace. Try that at your peril at Eassie!

President of Eassie and Nevay SWRI, Wilma Thomson called the numbers at a speed that kept the attention firmly focused. Anyone who has ever shed sheep or ‘binary sorted’ through a flowing stream and knows the tension of a hit or miss choice will understand the terror of making split second decisions, thinking, ‘did I get that right?’ and realising that the momentary doubt has fouled up the next selection. Not a place for slackers, but a number of men managed to keep up with the predominantly female participants.

But, attention - combined with a spot of luck - was well rewarded, and the lovely assistants, Mary Marshall and Marianne Jenkins took the role made famous by Anthea Redfern, distributing the copious selection of prizes, generously donated by members of the Rural and friends. The turnout was limited but there were all the more prizes for those who made the effort to leave the fireside.

Coffee, sandwiches and biscuits were served by Margaret Durston and Pat Duffy and an equally generous raffle finished the evening. Thanks to all who contributed in any way.

Anyone who needs a respite from the hectic pace should turn up for jogging on Monday lunchtime (phone Denise Mellish 01828 640362) or come to Yoga at 6.15 pm on Monday evening (phone Jane Brewster 01307 840313 to check details).