Monday, 14 April 2014

Shining examples!

Many thanks to Andy Blackie and Phillip Jenkins for organising and over-seeing the work to re-sand and varnish with main hall floor. The hall is now open again and back in full use.

The annual spring clean and garden tidy on Saturday has made a big difference. A BIG thank you to those who gave their time and energy on the day and who took curtains home to wash and iron. It was unfortunate the event had to take place during the Easter holiday as it meant a few willing people were away and unable to help but there were enough willing hands to get the job done. It was not all work, there was plenty of chat and an enjoyable picnic lunch in the café half way through the day.

For those who sent their apologies or could not attend there will be opportunities in the future and Phillip has requested help to dig and plant the garden area during the next week. If you have an hour or two spare please call Phillip on 840215. If you are able to offer help with future work parties please call Debra on 01307 840596 or Jane on 01307 840313.

Those who made the difference happen...............
Gardening - Philip Jenkins, David Ritchie, Thomas Duffy, Robert Duffy
Spring clean - Robert Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Jane Brewster, Fiona Brown, Mary Marshall, Linda Breckenridge,  Alison Ross, Marianne Jenkins, Audrey Duffy, Debra Ritchie

Washing and ironing curtains - Stuart & Elaine Wright, Paul & Leah Phillipson Masters, Audrey Duffy

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