Friday 23 February 2007

The day started somewhat damp and John Brewster turned up early. As he passed the kitchen window I suspected that he had arrived with fencing to protect the daffodils at the hall. It turned out that he had already put up the fencing, and done it single handedly. The daffodils are safe and the fence can easily be removed after they have finished flowering.
I have to admit that I hadn't considered the daffodils when we took down the old fence. It needed to come down so that we can make better use of the space and Gordon Br. can get in with his mower - but the daffodils were left vulnerable to attack by cars.
Thanks to Andy Bl. for fighting the winter weather to remove the old fence - and for fixing a few slates too.
Last night we had an enjoyable time at the Ceilidh dancing practice. Marianne J. had set up the equipment and brought along her crib sheet of the moves. It was all very informal which made it very relaxed. Star performer (if getting it right is what counts) was CLARE The rest of us were lesser stars.

At lunchtime today we took delivery of 350 community questionnaires. Many thanks must go to B.N. and Ashley Kennedy of Angus Community Learning and Development who printed them up as promised. Mary M, Linda Bre, Miriam C, Diane Ryan and Jane Brewster all took delivery of their quota and will be delivering them within the next few days. Andrew Brewster, John and Audrey D. and Paul and Leah Phillipson-Masters beta tested the questionnaire. Hopefully we'll get a good return.

That's it for today. In the next post there will be a summary of what has been happening so far in our quest for a new hall.

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